About GD360.Net

The name GD36).Net is made up of <gopal "GD" shrikanth's> initials and "360" to represent his "Global" NETwork of Angel-Investors | Board-Advisors | Brand-
Strategists | Business-Coaches | Business-Columnists | Business-Editors | Business-Strategists | CEO-Coaches | Change-Catalysts | Communication-Coaches |
Corporate-Arbitrators | Corporate-Lawyers | Creative-Directors | Crisis-Managers | CrossBorder-Experts | CrossCultural-Coaches | Domain-Experts | Serial-
Entrepreneurs | Executive-Coaches | Expat-Coaches | Expert-Panelists | Industry-Analysts | Industry-Leaders | Innovation-Coaches | Keynote-Speakers |
Knowledge-Brokers | Leadership-Coaches | Logistics-Experts | M&A-Advisors | Management-Consultants | Market-Researchers | Outsourcing-Advisors |
Operations-Researchers | Panel-Moderators |PR-Experts | Startup-Mentors | SupplyChain-Experts | Systems-Thinkers | Thought-Leaders | Turnaround-Specialists
| Venture-Capitalists | Workshop-Facilitators -
Our Key Differentiators...

#1 Top Notch Credentials

    * Ivy League Credentials: IIT, IIM, ISB, Columbia, Wharton, Harvard

    * Founder's prior professional / academic association with panelists

    * Levels: Boards, CxOs, Expats, Entrepreneurs, VPs/DIRs/GMs, Hi-Pots

    * Faculty: Global / Local / Hybrid

    * Solutions: Consulting/Coaching/Mentoring

    * Business Topics: (Strategy,Turnaround, Entrepreneurship,Innovation)

    * Leadership Topics: (Exec Presence, Transition, Conflict, Negotiation etc)

#2 Global+Pan-India Network/Bandwidth (250+ Consultants / Coaches / Mentors)

    *India: *Ahmedabad, *Bangalore, *Chennai,  *Coimbatore *Delhi, *Hyderabad, *Mumbai, *Pune

    * Global: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, CostaRica, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, Peru, Poland, Russia, Singapore,    
                   SouthAfrica, Spain, UAE, UK, US, Vietnam

    * Languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Spanish

#3 Engagement Options

    * Modes: FaceToFace / VideoWebTele

    * Alliance Partnership Models: Lead / Oversee / Guide / Track

    * Duration: Laser One-Day/ Intensive 3 Months / Sustaining 6 -12 Months

    * Fees: Equity / Risk-Reward / % CTC / Fixed Fee / T&M

    * GD360 offers Customized Leadership & Business Transformation Solutions !

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View GD360's India Expert Network in a larger map

View GD360's Global Expert Network in a larger map
GD360's Global Expert Network
GD360's India Expert Network
GD360's India Offices
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